4334 Salem Highway
Stuart, VA 24171
Phone: 541-543-8052 (Mayana)
Contact: Mayana Kingery
Email: mayana@peaceproduction.org
Website: www.peaceproduction.org
In a scattered and fragmented world ~ Peace Production helps individuals return to oneness within, and sparks their imagination to envision a multi-dimensional world in harmony with nature and one another. Once we discover our own oneness, we are free to co-create with others and produce a world of Peace with Joy.
"There is only one peace to produce... in the heart of humanity." Andras Maros, Founder
Peace Production is leading the way in HOW to come together and discover common goals within communities and create inspirational activities that encourage deeper connections. In Patrick County we are offering classes, events, and conversations that bring us into health and wholeness.
Our classes begin with simple, science-based techniques using breath and movement to release blockages and dis-ease. These processes are proven to address all stress-related disorders and bring one into harmony with your own self. Whether you have PTS, Fibromyalgia, or any other physical challenge ~ breathing techniques combined with movement and awareness can provide real relief.
Our Virginia "HeartQuarters" in Stuart becomes the foundation for establishing our Mythical Story of "A Tinkdom of Heartists in EverLand."
Tinkdom: a place where magic and inspiration govern with loving care
Heartists: those individuals who commit to living from the Heart with one intention: for the good of all
EverLand: a state of being - wherever you are - there you find yourself
Þ Inspiring Heartists who educate humanity as to our true nature
Þ Producing visions, ideas, art, inventions, events, and business models
Þ Producing positive growth and sustainable projects, activities, programs, books, films, and publications
Þ Leading the way in HOW to co-create as a team
Þ Supporting and promoting artists of all expressions
Core Values
© Integral harmonious business practices include unwavering integrity, conscious awareness, intuitive decision making, and mutually beneficial creations.
© Each human has the potential to know their own source of power and divinity directly when they see themselves as they truly are.
© Imagination is the quickest path to manifestation. A peaceful world will BE when enough of humanity has imagined it.
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