300 Pell Avenue / Suite A
Rocky Mount, VA 24151
Phone: 434-791-2006
Fax: 434-792-1814
Contact: Sto Belongia
Email: sbelongia@drrcva.org
“We are a nonprofit agency that helps people with any disability and any age to maintain independence in their own home. Our core services are Information and referral, advocacy, peer counseling, and life skills training. We cover Patrick, Henry, Franklin and Pittsylvania Counties and the cities of Danville and Martinsville. “
Housing Assistance – Assistance to individuals with disabilities who are homeless or who need to locate affordable, accessible housing.
Employment Services – Assistance with obtaining employment and work related issues. Social Security and other benefits counseling.
Disability Rights – Information about your rights and evaluation of local businesses, organizations, etc. to ensure that all accessibility guidelines are followed.
Assistive Technology – Equipment provided on a loan basis and also assist consumers in obtaining their own equipment.
NewWell Fund – Loan funds for assistive technology.
Technology Assistance Program – Devices for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing or who have speech disabilities.
Community Action Advocacy Groups – Community needs of persons with disabilities are identified and strategies are developed to address those needs.
Support Groups – Recreational activities,mutual encouragement, and assistance in identifying and addressing personal and local needs.
Computer Instruction – Instruction in the utilization of accessible computer software.
Home Modifications – Ramps, grab bars, etc. provided to financially eligible individuals (Note: dependent on availability of funding).
Transition Services
School – Collaboration with school systems and other agencies to assist students with disabilities in transition from middle school to high school and post graduate opportunities.
Institutions – Assistance with transitioning from nursing homes and other institutions back into the community. Sometimes accomplished through the Money Follows the Person Project.
Personal Assistance Services
State-Funded Personal Assistance Services – Services provided through the Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services to allow individuals with disabilities to live in their communities.
Medicaid Elderly or Disabled with Consumer Directed Services Waiver (EDCD) Consumer directed, community based services as an alternative to nursing care facility. Eligible individuals are provided with service facilitation to help manage their personal attendant program.
Medicaid Individual and Family Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD) – Consumer and agency directed services that are essential for living in the community. Eligible individuals are provided with case management.
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