Patrick County Chamber of Commerce, Stuart, Virginia
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Charlie Bowman Speaks Out On Upcoming Elections-Patrick Springs

February 19, 2011

Charlie Bowman, local volunteer and avid Ruritan Official in Patrick County, speaks about the upcoming election and the future of our community and nation. Thanks, Charlie

Date: Sunday, February 13, 2011, 11:58 PM Well folks, here we go again. New year and a new election coming up in the fall. People already making their intentions of their office positions they plan to run for, signs already being put up, especially around where I live, petitions being signed as we speak, good signs an election is coming. Now it's up to us, the voter, to decide the direction we want to travel. Progress is being made in unheard areas. Water and sewer is much closer to being a reality than 5 years ago. Unemployment is up compared to 6 months ago.Road projects are being spoke of. And the population in the county is down over the past 10 years. What does this county need to go to the next level? Who is going to lead the way or stall everything and takes us backward? We don't have the results yet of all this just yet. But, as sure as the sun comes up tomorrow, we soon will. First, we don't need newer taxes. Been there done that. We already pay a property tax, personal property tax, car tax, a car sticker tax, tool tax, estate tax, and in some businesses, a food tax. For the time being, air is still free. Our fuel cost go up almost weekly, our power bills are at a point to where we soon may have to take out a loan just to pay them. Medical cost are on the rise and Medicare is not getting a raise for the second straight year. We need a board of supervisors who can think out of the box. Where do they want this county to be in 5, 10, or 20 years from now. What are the future plans pertaining to this county and future projects? What about the job situation in the future? Do we plan for more businesses in the near future or does our unemployment numbers jump up more than now? The state of Virginia has towns, cities, and areas with so many businesses that they are pushing each other out of the way. How do we attract these folks to come here? Do we go to them and explain our lower tax base? Tell them our education system ranks near the top in the state? That we are soon going to have water and sewer traveling down 58? Do we tell them we have a work force, here, that can do the work they require and they are willing and able to be trained to do their type of work? How do we attract the jobs that will bring the next generation back to Patrick County? How do we sell Patrick County, not only to other areas in this state, but other states as well? Textile jobs are fading faster than anybody could have ever thought. NAFTA and CAFTA is helping this along. The jobs of tomorrow is going to take on more skills than reading and writing. Technology skills are a must. Analyzing solutions to problems are the new key. Health care is going to be a plus. We are not getting any younger. If we don't educate our up and coming generation beyond our years, we've lost all around. It's better to take a chance than not chance at all. The people of Patrick county will have to stand behind the person that will lead them down the right path for our future. It's not going to be done over night. There will be some hits and misses. Don't put people in this position that's going to carry us back to the past. We've out lived those days. A do nothing attitude will cost more down the road. Vote for your tomorrow. Vote for the thoughts of tomorrow. If we don't, the next census will show we went in the wrong direction. A team on the same page, working for you and me. Not their personal agendas. Think about it. You can make a difference. Charlie Bowman 1382 Taylor View Drive Patrick Springs, VA. 24133 276-694-5398